Good morning campers! We hope you've had a great start to camp! All of your workshop supplies should have been delivered, but we understand Pine Ridge was under a lock down so you may not have your supplies yet. We hope you are safe and healthy, and we want to let you know that you can make up anything you've missed TODAY! Instrument Instructors will start meeting with their groups NEXT week via whatever platform they wish, they will let you know! No meeting today. If you have already done yesterday's workshop AND your first instrument video here are some more options for you:
1) Watch the instrument instruction video and practice again (you can never practice too much).
2) Look into the camp zine and find "Week 1". There you will find reflections on the theme self love. Think about what this means to you, think about songs that remind you of this, or draw what self love looks like to you.
3) Rest. Maybe you don't feel like doing the workshop or playing your instrument today, and that's okay! Rest is a huge part of self- love and we want to make sure you are getting enough of it.
The choice is up to you what you do today, feel free to post any pictures or words you'd like to share with us all about your day. We miss you and hope you know how much you rock, each and every one of you. Thanks for being here. 💙
This is mine 🖤self love🖤
Here’s some self love, Otis and I cooking dinner.